How do you maintain a sound mind?
By aligning your thinking with God’s.
Wow! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a tall order. It requires absolute transformation. Only salvation in Jesus can bring about this miracle of a sound mind in us.
And Jesus does just that!
He gives us His mind!
Suddenly, we are new. We are different. A butterfly emerges from the cocoon of our old life and we leave it lying behind us in the dirt.
But we are still imperfect. We must maintain the sound mind He gives us. We must still deal daily with our own flesh and the bad fruit it can bear, as well as the activity of the Devil in the world around us.
It’s all part of fighting the good fight.
This teaching will help you better understand the mind of God and offers a clear dichotomy between His thinking and human thinking. God’s thoughts are holy and loving and good.
Since how we think about ourselves and others determines our internal mental health, having a clear understanding of how God sees us and thinks about is foundational to our ability to have a sound mind.
Join me as we discover this in-depth section of the Mental Health and the Bible series!