If you are looking for a compelling, engaging and biblically knowledgeable speaker for your next event or to be a guest on your show, look no further than David Johnston. David Johnston has been interviewed multiple times on radio and television shows including the following:
Kathryn Raaker - Let's Just Talk
Ann Beal - Living Well
David Heavener TV
Robby Dilmore - Kingdom Pursuits
Atlanta Live Daily Show - WATC 57
Dorothy Spaulding - NiteLine - WGGSTV
Matt Bendell - CRU Radio
Rose and Mike Gamblin - Homeschool Companion - LifeTalk Radio
Roger Marsh - The Bottom Line
Paul Ladd - World Christian Broadcasting
Lindy-Ann Hopley - Beautiful Witness
Chuck Reich - Answering The Call
Watchmen Broadcasting
Crosspoint Radio - KNEO
Hidelkel Griffin - Gnade Media
Dr. Marina McLean - Positively Joy
Bill Martinez Live
Ministry in the Marketplace - Richard Hamlet
Lisa Buckhart Worley - Pearls of Promise
Kvamme & Company
The Bob Dutko Show - Live Radio Detroit
Covenant Eyes Podcast
Connie Albers - Equipped To Be