“Ex nihilo!” they proclaim in schools across the world today.
“Out of nothing! The Earth and all that is in it came from nothing. It just happened!” That’s what is commonly taught in the learned institutions of our time.
They cannot see beyond the veil, but we can.
The Word of God contains a different—and mightier—story. According to Genesis 1, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit created everything together. In John 1, Jesus is revealed as the Logos, the Word by which everything was made.
Yahweh spoke.
Pre-existent and outside of time, He brought into existence everything that exists.
We don’t often think of Jesus as Creator, but He is.
He is Savior and Healer and Friend and Brother and…the Master of the Universe too. Take some time to explore this idea with me today and let Jesus deepen your perspective on who He is. His power is immense and His ways are unsearchable. Join me as we worship the God Who Is and Was and Is Coming, the Great I AM.