Jesus said He was The Way, The Truth and The Life. Because He is the way we will never get lost, because He is the truth we will never be confused, because He is the life we need never be depressed.
The infinite God in the person of Jesus Christ at a point in time crossed and unimaginable barrier and personally entered into human history.
Whenever I hear someone say that they reject Jesus Christ, Christianity, or the Church for that matter, I feel like saying back to them, “so would I, if I had the same thoughts and ideas that you have about Jesus, the church and Christianity as you probably do.”
You see Christianity is not about religion, religion is man’s search for God. Christianity is God’s search for man.
Jesus really is all we need. But none of this counts unless he means something to you.
What is Jesus to you?
I want you to know that the wonder of this person is herein and you can open your heart and let him come walking out of the pages of the Bible right into your life and become your Lord & Savior.