Judgment is not a popular word in our culture.
Fitness centers plaster their walls with the words, “Judgment Free Zone” in an effort to help their patrons relax about their self-image. Counselors talk to their clients every day about having positive self-esteem and a healthy ego.
In America over the last fifty years, a huge push toward No Judgment Over Anything has occurred. People are viewed as intolerant if they do not approve whatever others are doing—no matter what it is. Society preaches that it is not just unkind, but criminal, to hold a negative opinion about a whole host of hot-button topics.
However, following this path will only make things worse, not better.
The issue is the standard. According to Scripture, Jesus has the final say about everything.
What does that actually mean? What’s that going to look like? What exactly is judgment in the first place? What yardstick will Jesus use for His judgment?
In this session, we will discover the truth about judgment: what it is and how it works biblically.
Join me today to explore this fascinating subject.