Living Sheltered

Safety, protection and a worry-free life, that’s what God wants for you and yours. With what’s going on in our culture and the world, shelter

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Authentic Grace Pt 2

We have already learned that True Grace is, “Freely receiving from God the knowledge, power and ability to always joyfully do what is right and

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Authentic Grace Pt 1

Authenticity is everything in life. Fake is all around us! Ouch! But the worst is counterfeit Christianity and it is in abundance. Sham versions of

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Prayer Guidance

Real prayer is contact with God, no pretending, no showing off in front of others, just real communication with God Almighty. Prayer is a two-way

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How To Get SMART

Dumb is everywhere. And it seems to be contagious. Education passes on unvetted information and we get high grades simply by regurgitating what we were

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