
Your Ultimate Life Management System Print Version

Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $5.00.

One could reasonably argue that the inaugural sermon Jesus delivered to a crowd gathered on a hillside in northern Israel, often referred to as the sermon on the mount, may be the most powerful and profound sermon ever preached!

The wisdom, insight, truth, and provision that Jesus shared that is chronicled in Matthew’s Gospel (chapters 5-7), is artfully unpacked for you in this rich and meaningful message.



Make Sense of Your Life

The prophet Jeremiah lamented (Jeremiah 10:23) “I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” How can we manage our own path, and live life effectively? Could anything be more important than an efficient, effective, and trustworthy life management system? We need a life management system!

A life manager must be faithful, smart enough, wise enough, caring enough, and love you sufficiently to be trusted to direct your life. Hence, Jesus! He loves you which means He is relentlessly choosing your highest good without any personal profit or benefit as a motive of His own. In addition, Jesus is a life manager who never quits, never gives up on you no matter what. He has said “I will never leave you or forsake you, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

In His first and possibly most compelling discourse, known as the “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus outlines a practical, yet powerful life plan for you. Don’t miss it! He is for you. Follow Him. You will never be ashamed!

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