If you go to any bookstore, you will find a large section focused on self-help. There are lots of
books that claim that they will help you develop into a better person: one who is not afraid; one
who handles money like a Wall Street financier; one who embraces success with both arms and
never lets go. You can find a book for every need known to man.
Why are we so extremely focused on self-help?
Whether we acknowledge God or not, we’re all trying to find our way through life happily.
Unfortunately most of those books cannot help us simply because they do not recognize the true
Big Picture of what our life on earth should be like. Because of that they do not even begin at the
proper starting point.
If you don’t enter the maze of life through a particular point, you’re just going to get lost.
Trying yet another book won’t help you.
And yet it is absolutely necessary to know yourself and know where you are on the path if you
are going to have a successful and personally satisfying life.
In this lesson, I have broken the Big Picture into five easily distinguishable parts. As you go
through it, you will be able to see just where you are and where you are headed. May you be
encouraged as you find your way through life on God’s path for your life—one that is uniquely
yours and directed by Him.