“We are grateful that so many have found strength and encouragement through the teaching provided through this ministry. Will you partner with us in sharing with others around the globe the Good News and valuable Christian teaching without cost or obligation"
Nancy and Joe McCall
Joe and I really have been blessed by your many messages online and on YouTube, and ministered by your “mercy and truth” style and how you speak on topics so relevant to exactly how you go through life as a person who wants to be biblical and put God and His word first in every area.
Ellen King
Editor and Writer
I enjoy his teachings. Very practical and insightful. I've been a Christian for a long time and have heard a lot of teachers, and I appreciate hearing the Word of God handled well.
Dr. Paul Shirley, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
Realizing the truths in “Why the World Began” helped me not only with my own wrestling with this life but has helped me help patients through their crises both physical and spiritual.
Brad Duterra
God is Good! Your assessment of America, and the moral religious failings taking place is “spot on.” Keep preaching the Word and providing your thoughts, as you do so well.
Cynthia Ferebee
This teaching put my life purpose into perspective turning me from my own ways to honor God and set Him first, foremost, and always. I am now committed to telling this message to as many others as possible.
Candy Shirley
The whole world desperately needs to hear and see your messages. We must see the "Big Picture," or we will not understand the smaller individual parts of life. David Johnston is one of the finest Bible teachers I have known. He gives the real Word of God.

Mark Charboneau
If I hadn’t been a Christian before seeing and hearing, “Why The World Began,” I certainly would have
become one after seeing it. I found out who I really am. It is life changing.
After 25 years of knowing the Lord and 20 years’ service in the Christian bookstore ministry, I have yet
to see any topic more needed or better presented. It is a must see for every unbeliever and church
Kent Staples
Editor and Writer
Taking care of the temple. I love you sir. Thank you for speaking life into me for years. Scripture is alive
to me by God’s Spirit through your faithfulness and gift. I gave up on Richard Simmons and now I work
out to your videos, body, and spirit. God’s greatest glory in me often included you, David. Thank you for
your strong consistent ministering.