History contains the stories of all kinds of people: weak and strong; frightened and courageous, deceptive and honest; many are often a mix of all that. All of us have the capacity for good and for evil, but in the end, we are remembered for the choices we make. Those we choose as role models are the brave and the true, not the others.
We remember those that made a real difference: the Davids and the Daniels. We remember Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Rosa Parks and Mother Teresa. Every one of them stood for what they believed in, no matter what. Their stories encourage our hearts.
My grandmother used to sing a song, written by Philip Paul Bliss in 1873, that went like this:
“Dare to be a Daniel.
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm.
Dare to make it known.”
Being a Christian in perilous times like these, requires following God with a good conscience, and answering to Him, first and foremost. As the Scripture says, “the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32).
With God within us, we can take our stand as He directs and walk in His strength with courage and fortitude. May this segment encourage you and empower you to do just that.