Five Outstanding Qualities of The Virtuous Mother
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)
Being trustworthy requires integrity, honesty, promise-keeping, and loyalty.
Being diligent requires discipline, patience and perseverance.
To be merciful is to show forgiveness and compassion to those in need.
The kindness of a mother can compare to no other in one’s life here on earth.
God Fearing
This has to be the most important of all virtues – fearing the Lord. A mother who fears the Lord is at peace about the things she can’t control. Her fear and awe of God’s power as Creator and Ruler overcomes anxiety and worry. She knows God is in control.
Scripture says that the value of a virtuous woman is not just that of a ruby or that of many rubies but far above rubies. How will you recognize a virtuous woman if you see one? These days it is not hard to recognize a sensuous woman. They are every where. But where are the virtuous women? They are the valuable ones. This teaching explains her twenty three characteristics so you will be able to recognize virtuous women who really do belong on a pedestal because they are certainly not in the gutter. The teaching ends with three steps a woman can take to become virtuous.