We as a nation have turned away from the laws of God. When a culture breaks those laws, the entire population has to bear the consequences. We are witnessing those consequences daily.
God is not honored and revered in America anymore. Instead His place is given to other little “g” gods in the hearts of people.
He has been removed from scientific inquiry.
He has been removed from the schools that educate our children.
He has been removed from our legal systems.
The murder of the innocent is legal. (Deuteronomy 19:10)
Truth has been trampled in the public squares. (Isaiah 59:14)
Evil is lauded as good, and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20)
The downward spiral of American culture can easily be traced by anyone who takes the time to compare even the newspaper headlines of 2020 compared to those of the 1950s. In fact, you would not have to go as far as seventy years to see distinct changes. 990 would be far enough.
Wickedness is growing, and it is no longer being checked as it used to be.
The fact that our culture has actively transgressed His laws has not escaped God’s notice. Whether people believe it or not, we will be judged by Him.
This teaching on Psalm 36 contrasts the attributes of God with those of the wicked. Understanding those differences casts new light and understanding on how we should live in “such a time as this.” May it grant you wisdom as you pray and as you walk in the compassion and light of God’s love in a crooked generation.
And take heart. One thing has not changed.
God is good. All the time. And His plans and intentions toward us are still good too.