Who loves you?
There is no more important question to a human being than this one. If we have no one that loves us, we are bereft and most to be pitied.
We need love.
God made us that way, and He always intended to be the Source of that love. He is the Spring from which we can draw, so we can grow in a happy and healthy manner.
However, when we are born, we are not in right relationship with our loving Father. Our sin separates us from Him.
As we grow up, it doesn’t take long for us to realize that this problem makes us weak. As a result, we come up with all kinds of survival methods, ways to protect ourselves. We develop habits that are often unhealthy; and if we do not come to know Jesus, our mental health is at risk.
Why? Because we don’t know who we are.
A miracle happens when we get saved: Suddenly, we are in Christ. Our lives are hid in Him. We are connected to our Source again, and begin to grow in a new way. Instead of being continually self-conscious, we are now Christ-conscious.
Jesus’ love for us utterly transforms our hearts and minds so that we can successfully, and best of all, peacefully get through life.
When we choose to love God, it affects everything about us, including our mental health. Isaiah 26:3 says this: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” That’s a promise we can take to the bank.
What a wonderful transformation this is! Join me today in learning more about the benefits God’s love brings us as we explore our choices and the way they affect us.