Prayer is a really big deal.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus gave us a model for how we should pray. Therefore it is very important that we pay attention to Jesus’ instructions. He didn’t expect us to recite this particular prayer, but to use it to understand how to pray instead.
First of all, He wants us to address Our Father.
Our Father loves us and He is holy, so we approach Him with respect. We speak to Him and then take the time to listen as He speaks to us. This is the very essence of prayer. It is a conversation.
Jesus directs our attention in this conversation to the Big Picture: His kingdom. We are to pray with that Big Picture in mind, partnering with Him for the establishment of His kingdom and His will here.
Remember this: The will of God is exactly what you would choose if you had all the facts.
Our Father is absolutely crazy about us, and yearns to secure each one of us for His kingdom. God does not wish to reject anyone, but wants all people restored to Him. We can trust Him to take care of anything that is broken. He cares passionately about every detail in our lives.
Through this model of prayer God set up a system through which we actually partner with Him by confidently praying according to the Word of God, declaring His will as we pour ourselves out for others, just as Jesus did. When we pray as Jesus did, we are directed by Him and every need is covered.
It is vital that we learn how to pray as Jesus intended.