Name Above All Names

Name Above All Names

A simple observation of history as well as our modern times will reveal that the name of Jesus stands far above every other name, be it a king, a politician, a hero or a villain. Jesus Himself has many names, however, He has a name that is above all of His names. This teaching demonstrates…

How to Be a Friend of God

Everyone knows that Abraham was called ‘the friend of God.’ Few of us, however, have thought we could be friends with God. Jesus made it plain. ‘Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends;’ (John 15:15) You, too, can be a friend…

The Incomparable Christ

The Incomparable Christ

Over my lifetime I have read a lot about the Lord Jesus Christ. I have also known Him personally. I am overwhelmed by Him. He is my quest. This is not really a teaching so much as it is a collection of prose that I have heard and put to memory. No mixture of human…

Why God Allows The Wicked To Prosper - Older With Champagne Glass

Why God Allows the Wicked to Prosper

The prosperity of the wicked is a great stumbling block to man. Even Jeremiah asked the question, “Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?” In this…

Jesus….Savior of All!

None of us are living right with God, and all of us are going our own way. Whether we know it or not, we need help. The help we need is God and the only way to get to Him is through the Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus! Judge of All Part 2

In this second part of the teaching David L. Johnston continues to explain that judgment has three timings. The amazing thing is that God’s judgments are never malicious and their intent is to help us to see that we have gone astray. There are also the final judgments for people. The sinner, the fake Christian…

Jesus….Judge of ALL!!

Judgment is not a popular word in our culture. Fitness centers plaster their walls with the words, “Judgment Free Zone” in an effort to help their patrons relax about their self-image. Counselors talk to their clients every day about having positive self-esteem and a healthy ego.  In America over the last fifty years, a huge…

Jesus, Lord of All

The absence or presence of Jesus affects all persons and all nations. Jesus is Lord, but very few people know this fact. Most people and nations want nothing to do with God and have no fear of Him. The religious church, the secular church is without God and does not even know it. In these…

Jesus, Lover of All!

Corrie ten Boom, the sole survivor of her family from a Nazi German concentration camp, said that God’s love was the greatest reality. She said that when all else had fallen in her life—God’s love stood. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above…