Who To Trust with Your Life?

So who can we trust these days? That’s the question. And the stakes are really high. Your very life can be gained or lost depending on who you trust and to what extent you extend your trust. I this teaching (Part One of Two) you will find an analysis that may well benefit you big…

The Way To Holiness

Can you imagine anyone ridiculing what’s right instead of what’s wrong? Mocking what’s holy instead of what’s evil? But such is the condition of masses! There are four reasons why people hate God, even if their hatred is merely demonstrated by their indifference to God or their flight from Him! In this teaching we learn…

The Majesty of God

It’s been said that few people think about what they think about. What we think about God will determine our relationship to Him. Is He just the big man upstairs? Or a cold unknown stranger? Or worse yet, whatever narcissists decide he is? Where can we find the truth? I suggest by personally beholding His…

The Benefits of Divine Intelligence Pt 3

All evil is stupid! And all stupid is evil and unsustainable! The way to genuine intelligence is to learn from the most intelligent mind in the universe! Can you imagine what happened to our culture when educators began requiring graduates to agree with them to pass their grades? Agree with professed intellectuals who think they…

The Benefits of Divine Intelligence Pt 2

Albert Einstein “Two things in the universe are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.” Aristotle said, “We perceive best when we perceive intelligently.” Stephen Hawking took it farther when he said, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” Ego makes us…

The Source of Genuine Intelligence

Few people think about what they think about! Ouch! Entire populations can be induced, seduced and reduced to robots, androids , if you please, mere pawns, slaves to carrying out agendas set by others. We even have theologians teaching that God has already preprogrammed every human. Pretty dumb and certainly not God-like! With all the…

Formulas – How To Be a FRIEND of God

Imagine being a “Friend of God!” There are no superlatives that can describe such a notion! WRONG, such a reality! This is an appropriate place for an OMG! Jesus, God the Son, proclaimed it and the Scriptures define it. And Beloved, you better not miss out on this friendship. The stakes are too high and…

Formulas – How To Know God

Of course there is a God, a Creator. Only a fool would say otherwise. Can you imagine looking at a creation and saying no one created it. But believe it or not, we even have College Professors teaching no “no God” idea saying, “Nothing Made Itself Into Something.” I don’t suspect you are in that…

Formulas – How to Follow God Part 2

The reasons for being a Follower of God are stunningly wonderful and profitable (Understatement)! After studying the, “why,” in Part One, we now come to the, “How!” You will find the steps simple, doable and empowering to launch you into fulfilling the promise of Jesus who said, “I am come that you might have life…

Formulas – How to Follow God Part 1

We all either receive benefits or detriments based on who or what we follow after. Rational thinking people know with a certainty that the Creator is smarter than the created. Duh! So why not follow Him? Pride may well be the reason, the untamed and uncontrolled ego. But it is possible that some may not…