Living Sheltered

Safety, protection and a worry-free life, that’s what God wants for you and yours. With what’s going on in our culture and the world, shelter is needed and that’s precisely what God wants for you. In this teaching you will learn exactly how you and yours can live a life sheltered from evil hazards and…

The Moral Government of God

How would you like God’s job…Checking on everyone’s behavior and rewarding them or isolating them accordingly. His Government is over the morality of the Universe, the Nations of the World and Individuals. And how shall good versus evil be adjudicated? And does everyone know the difference between right and wrong? The Scriptures have the answers…

How To Get SMART

Dumb is everywhere. And it seems to be contagious. Education passes on unvetted information and we get high grades simply by regurgitating what we were told. Einstein said, “The purpose of education is not the transmission of information but it is learning how to think.” Whatever we think controls our choices and our very lives.…

Manhood: The Foundation of Fatherhood

The greatest influence on a culture is fathers… BTW named after God the Father Himself. If machismo replaces genuine manhood, fathers will fail and if fathers fail so will the culture. Opposed to fake manhood is also the feminization of men. Big trouble looms in a culture when genders want to trade places. The only…

Heaven God’s Glorious Forever Plan for You Part 1

Do you know what God’s plan of heaven is for you? From the welcome to the opening Celebration to the Accounting and Distribution of Rewards to the tour of God’s riches for you to future assignments to eternal and forever joyful life. Your future in heaven is stunningly wonderful. But please don’t forget that Heaven…

Heaven God’s Forever Plan for You Part 2

Do you know what God’s plan of heaven is for you? From the welcome to the opening Celebration to the Accounting and Distribution of Rewards to the tour of God’s riches for you to future assignments to eternal and forever joyful life. Your future in heaven is stunningly wonderful. But please don’t forget that Heaven…

Our Mission: Giving Godly Counsel

God has placed you strategically in this world to extend His kingdom and make a positive difference in the lives of others. You want to be “all in to reach out”—giving valuable godly counsel. This requires asking the right questions and real listening on your part.  When you follow Him, you can walk in His…

The Grand Finale Of Your Life

The Bible is chock-full of encouragement to run in God’s ways and finish your race in Him. Join me for this episode that gives you an overview of my entire foundations series. It began with “What is So Important about You?” and finishes with this one. Why is genuine self-acceptance a first step to the…

God’s Therapy: Receiving Therapy By Listening

The Lord your God is the Ultimate Therapist. Since all therapy is a two-way street, it should not be a surprise that God’s therapy is also two-way. Too often, people regard prayer as one-sided.  However, the Bible is clear that God is still speaking. Too often we think God has said all He has to…