Did you know that you have an owner’s manual to help you restore damaged or broken relationships?
The Bible is intended to be God’s instruction manual for our lives. The Word of God instructs us about lots of things. It teaches us about our identity, our Father, and how to get along in the world. Best of all, it instructs us about how to be reconciled in all our relationships: toward God and toward others.
God’s love lays the foundation for every healthy alliance we will ever have. The first thing we must realize is that God’s methods are out of sync with ours. (Big surprise, I know.) Our world teaches us to keep track of every wrong. God rejects that behavior and beckons us into a new way of relating to others that is not based on reciprocity and does not keep score.
God modelled how to do this through Jesus’ example and left careful directions in His word. If we follow these instructions, the fruit will be seen in our relationships with others.
This video I am sharing has many scriptural applications for restoring broken relationships. It will help us as individuals and as a nation to apply them in these difficult times.
My prayer for you is that these principles will empower you to start the process of restoring broken relationships in your own life and in the lives of others.