What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding…

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How To Have A Sound Mind – Part 1

How do you maintain a sound mind?  By aligning your thinking with God’s. Wow! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a tall order. It requires absolute transformation.…

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How To Have A Sound Mind – Part 2

Welcome to the second lesson on having a sound mind and another section of Mental Health and the Bible.  If you’ve listened to the first lesson I sent, you already…

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How Convictions Create A Sound Mind

I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hastknown my soul in adversities; and hast not shut me up into the hand…

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