What Seems Right vs. What Is Right

What Seems Right vs. What Is Right

The difference between right and wrong is obvious in most cases. How do you tell the difference between what seems right and what is right? This is especially important when the Scripture says that the “seems right way” ends in death so that even in laughter your heart is sorrowful.. You cannot afford to make…

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Qualifying For Truth

Qualifying for Truth

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” (Matthew 7:6) What does this mean? The Scriptures clearly identify who are dogs and who are referred to as swine. There are nine categories of human…

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5 Outstanding Qualities of The Virtuous Mother

5 Outstanding Qualities of the Virtuous Mother

Five Outstanding Qualities of The Virtuous Mother “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) Trustworthy Being trustworthy requires integrity, honesty, promise-keeping, and loyalty. Diligent Being diligent requires discipline, patience and perseverance. Merciful To be merciful is to show forgiveness and compassion to those in need. Kindness The…

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In ALL Things Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

In All Things Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

Every motive creates a dynamic, an energy that is in keeping with the motive. Attitudes also create dynamics, and so do behaviors. By grumbling, a person sets into motion negative energies that directly affect his or her own thinking, his or her emotions, and his or her point of view. Grumbling is mentally unhealthy and…

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Understanding and Responding to Rejection

Understanding and Responding to Rejection

At one point or another in life everyone experiences rejection. The suffering and pain associated with rejection are often too much to bear and have very destructive consequences. This teaching reveals some of the more common results of rejection and provides biblical solutions to properly respond to rejection.

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What A Fool Believes

What a Fool Believes – A Study in Psalm 14

Victims of propaganda never know they are victims. In America, propaganda machines abound. On the basis of propaganda: political candidates win, products are sold, beliefs are controlled, and people are manipulated. In fact, in the destruction of nations, propaganda is more effective than sword or gun. Propaganda is indeed a WMD, a weapon of mass destruction.…

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What Men Need To Learn From Women

What Men Need to Learn From Women

Confused by how often conversations (or lack thereof), and misunderstood when your offer to fix the problem becomes an item on the list of “why can’t you just listen?” Then you really need to listen to Pastor David as he clues us in on what we need to know about women.

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Blessed Are the Merciful – For They Shall Obtain Mercy

If one is merciful, they will demonstrate forgiveness and compassion to those in need. Jesus frequently spoke of this in His teachings. Matthew 5:7 says, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” This teaching by David L. Johnston covers the significant details of this scripture and how we can apply this to our…

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5 Steps To Properly Control Emotions

5 Steps to Properly Control Emotions

The Bible has clear instructions on how to control our emotions. Pastor David L. Johnston presents Five Biblical Steps, that when practiced will get you on the right track to the best life possible.

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How To Live Without Being Offended

How to Live Without Being Offended

Being offended means to be hurt, angered, or upset by something someone else has done. God has laws in which offense can be prevented. One of these commands include “turning the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39). This principle is one of the most misunderstood in the Bible. We are guessing there are very few teachings on…

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How To Live Without A Critical Spirit

How to Live Without a Critical Spirit

It very easy to fall prey to being critical of others. At times people justify their criticism, and as a result damage relationships with others. Many don’t understand how to live without a critical spirit, and often they become bitter and judgmental. This teaching by pastor David L. Johnston will empower anyone to live free…

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Thanks Living is the Only Way To Celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanks Living Is the Only Way to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Negativity is the vicious opponent of thanksgiving. A negative viewpoint is basically the fruit of selfishness.  And our culture is riddled with it. What to do? Give thanks to God! Turn it all around! We don’t have to live our lives under the oppression of other people’s whining and complaining. We don’t have to be…

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