How To Wisely Respond To Criticism

How to Wisely Respond to Criticism

There is a difference between being critiqued and being criticized. One is positive, the other negative; one is constructive, the other destructive; one is careful, the other is careless; one…

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Understanding Your Self

Understanding Your Self

You are important. What an understatement! Unfortunately, we learn early in life to view ourselves the way others treat us. In a competitive world we can be easily damaged at…

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God's Intention for your self

God’s Intentions For Your Self

Once you have the accurate, error-free and fact-based “Understanding of Your Self,” (which can only come from God) the next question is, “now what?” What are God’s Intentions For You,…

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The Joy of Living Without Fear and Torment

Fear is torment. It should be clearly understood that God’s design for life does not include tortuous fear. The Master stated plainly, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let…

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How To Please God

How to Please God

Sometimes we might feel as though we are dancing as fast as we can—and it still isn’t good enough. That’s because pleasing people is exhausting. You could never satisfy everyone.…

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The Joy of Being Partakers

In the Bible, the writer Paul urges us to do the following: “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and…

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What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding…

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First Things First

The only way to ensure life does not go backward or upside down is to ensure vital actions are taken in efficient timing. Too late can be too late! The…

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Prayer Guidance

Real prayer is contact with God, no pretending, no showing off in front of others, just real communication with God Almighty. Prayer is a two-way communication; a dialogue, not a…

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