How Great is Our God

If you checked a Christian bookstore or an online seller of Christian books, you would find millions of books written to encourage and expand our understanding of God. (We need them.) Among them you would find The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer. It’s a classic study of Who God Is. Here’s an…

Biblical Principles of Conflict Resolution

We all deal with conflict. Knowing how can make all the difference. In fact, it’s such an important subject that courses on it are offered at universities and colleges worldwide. Self-help gurus litter the Internet, and mental health professionals offer one-on-one advice on the subject daily. So what’s the big deal? What exactly is conflict…

How to Stay Calm in Uncertainty

We are most certainly living in uncertain times. Right now, our nation is dealing with a worldwide pandemic on top of other internal issues that have caused a lot of turmoil. We sometimes feel like there has never been a time as perilous as the one we are facing, but that’s definitely not the case.…

Predictive Prophecy & Government Corruption

Today, like never before, we are facing an incredible level of corruption in our government. It doesn’t matter where you look either. In every level of government, you will find bribery, sexual misconduct, graft, vested interests, blackmail, people peddling their influence for monetary gain, and links to organized crime. We also have revolving door policies…

Understanding the Times

If you’re like me, you can’t wait for 2020 to be over – between the pandemic, the social unrest, and the political turmoil, this has been a rough year. But what will make 2021 better? Perhaps the better question to ask is what will make 2021 AMAZING – at least for you. Well, there are…

What It Means to Live Loved

To be loved is the single most important desire of all humanity. From the moment we are born, we seek love. We are blessed if we find it within our family. As we grow, we continue to look for love everywhere we go. It is our primary motivation. If we are not loved by our…

The Most Important Question

Every day I am bombarded with questions. I come up with what I hope are appropriate answers and take the steps I think I should take accordingly. Some of those questions are trivial: Should I wear shorts or long pants today? This one is based on the outside temperature where I live. It’s pretty easy…

How To Be A Friend Of God

God initiated the first friendship when He met with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They were refreshed by the presence of the Lord daily. Abraham was called a friend of God. Moses spoke with God face-to face as with a friend. David was a man after God’s own heart, and that’s only…

Healthy Relationships God’s Way

Did you know that you have an owner’s manual to help you restore damaged or broken relationships? The Bible is intended to be God’s instruction manual for our lives. The Word of God instructs us about lots of things. It teaches us about our identity, our Father, and how to get along in the world.…

Iniquity Is Anti-Christ

Outline Understand God’s intention for man regarding iniquity Four purposes of Calvary Four ways to know what iniquity is Three evidences that iniquity is anti-christ Two reasons there is danger in the false gospels How to recognize iniquity How to know the extent of iniquity How iniquity affects behaviors How Jesus is the solution to…