What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding out who you are. What are you good at? What the right job for you? Many contain tests to help a person discover these answers.

We know we are here for a reason Deep in our hearts, we want to fulfil our purpose and reach our full potential. We just aren’t sure what that looks like.

God has deposited a treasure in each one of us. It’s a natural bent within that has nothing to do with our education. It is an embedded natural ability. One of seven listed in the book of Romans, Chapter Twelve. That treasure fits us into God’s Big Picture.

That treasure is priceless.

By learning about the treasure within us, we can begin to grow in a way which truly builds our lives. We are made in God’s image, fathered by God Himself! There is nothing going on that misses His notice. He actually keeps written records about us and much more!

Join me as we discover what’s so very important about you!

The Dynamics of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has dynamics in and with it – and so does murmuring. In this lesson you will be able to see and choose which of the two you want to perpetuate in your life. These dynamics are what actually happen to you and others when you give thanks, or an expression of gratitude – or…

Why You’re Suffering

Suffering is a fact of life. It has a long arm. No one escapes it. Is God mean? Is He not really in control? Is our pain a mistake? Or does God have definite purpose and complete control as the Word of God says? There are many reasons God allows suffering in our lives. In…

Learning To Love Mercy

Learning to Love Mercy

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8) Beloved, it is our task and our mission to be a blessing. We cannot be a blessing to others and still…

Thanks Living is the Only Way To Celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanks Living Is the Only Way to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Negativity is the vicious opponent of thanksgiving. A negative viewpoint is basically the fruit of selfishness.  And our culture is riddled with it. What to do? Give thanks to God! Turn it all around! We don’t have to live our lives under the oppression of other people’s whining and complaining. We don’t have to be…

How To Live Without A Critical Spirit

How to Live Without a Critical Spirit

It very easy to fall prey to being critical of others. At times people justify their criticism, and as a result damage relationships with others. Many don’t understand how to live without a critical spirit, and often they become bitter and judgmental. This teaching by pastor David L. Johnston will empower anyone to live free…

How To Live Without Being Offended

How to Live Without Being Offended

Being offended means to be hurt, angered, or upset by something someone else has done. God has laws in which offense can be prevented. One of these commands include “turning the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39). This principle is one of the most misunderstood in the Bible. We are guessing there are very few teachings on…