How Convictions Create A Sound Mind

I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hastknown my soul in adversities; and hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thouhast set my feet in a large room. (Psalm 31:7-8) He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated…

How To Have A Sound Mind – Part 2

Welcome to the second lesson on having a sound mind and another section of Mental Health and the Bible.  If you’ve listened to the first lesson I sent, you already know why this is so important. Being of a stable mind has a huge effect on our daily well-being as well as our Christian witness.…

How To Have A Sound Mind – Part 1

How do you maintain a sound mind?  By aligning your thinking with God’s. Wow! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a tall order. It requires absolute transformation. Only salvation in Jesus can bring about this miracle of a sound mind in us. And Jesus does just that!  He gives us His mind! …

What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding out who you are. What are you good at? What the right job for you? Many contain tests to help a person discover these answers.

We know we are here for a reason Deep in our hearts, we want to fulfil our purpose and reach our full potential. We just aren’t sure what that looks like.

God has deposited a treasure in each one of us. It’s a natural bent within that has nothing to do with our education. It is an embedded natural ability. One of seven listed in the book of Romans, Chapter Twelve. That treasure fits us into God’s Big Picture.

That treasure is priceless.

By learning about the treasure within us, we can begin to grow in a way which truly builds our lives. We are made in God’s image, fathered by God Himself! There is nothing going on that misses His notice. He actually keeps written records about us and much more!

Join me as we discover what’s so very important about you!

Living by the Principles of Peace

God wants us to live in peace with all men. That means everyone. Jesus taught us to love everyone—not just the people we like. He said His Father loved all people and was not selfishly motivated as we often are. Face it. We want someone to be our friend so we treat them kindly. But…

Ending the Greatest Mental Disorder

Who’s on the throne of your heart? What happens when you get squeezed a little? What comes out of you? Are you devoted to yourself or are you a submitted follower of God? When we choose to be independent and rely on ourselves, we separate ourselves from God and reject His rule over us. What’s…

12 Reasons Not to Judge Others

The Scripture is very clear about being judgmental. As Christians we must understand that judging others is not part of the Christian walk. Jesus taught very clearly and made no mistake about the issue, in fact he said “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” — Matthew 7:1 Remember, God is the judge and we…

How Thankfulness Affects Mental Health

The opposite of being thankful is to be grumbling and complaining. These directly affect mental health in extremely negative ways. In this teaching you will learn the twelve self-destructive dynamics of grumbling. However, you will also learn the ten mental health advantages of being a thanks-giver. The teaching concludes with four steps to becoming a…