What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding out who you are. What are you good at? What the right job for you? Many contain tests to help a person discover these answers.

We know we are here for a reason Deep in our hearts, we want to fulfil our purpose and reach our full potential. We just aren’t sure what that looks like.

God has deposited a treasure in each one of us. It’s a natural bent within that has nothing to do with our education. It is an embedded natural ability. One of seven listed in the book of Romans, Chapter Twelve. That treasure fits us into God’s Big Picture.

That treasure is priceless.

By learning about the treasure within us, we can begin to grow in a way which truly builds our lives. We are made in God’s image, fathered by God Himself! There is nothing going on that misses His notice. He actually keeps written records about us and much more!

Join me as we discover what’s so very important about you!

The Benefits of Quarantine

Since all of us had to be in quarantine, this teaching is a way to look at the benefits of being in it. The Scriptures show us how to rightly view this time of seclusion. In this teaching we will see that quarantine is a place of safety and free from disease. It can be…

Bible Guidelines for Crisis Management

A long time ago I learned that God is a lot smarter than me. Isaiah 55:9 KJV states: “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” We’re dealing with an unprecedented worldwide crisis. A crisis is defined as a time…

Surviving a Virus

A crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. It is also a time when difficult but extremely important decisions must be made. This is such a time. The word crisis originates from the Latinized form of the Greek word, ‘krisis,’ which literally means the “turning point in a disease.” A crisis is…

How to Live a Guilt Free Life

All of us have experienced guilt in our lives. It can be a very difficult mental and emotional experience. The Bible is clear about how to live without guilt. This teaching by David L. Johnston will help anyone overcome, and live without guilt.

The Three Degrees of Love

Is there a difference when a person says, “I love ice-cream” and then in another setting says, “I Love You Sweetheart?” I hope so. Obviously there is a difference, a big difference. In our culture it seems that the words, “I love you,” can be very ambiguous. Men often to pretend to “give love” in…

How to Be Cheerful (Most) All of the Time

The words of the song are true, “Into each life some rain must fall, some tears must fall… but not too much.” The sun needs to shine. God wants you cheerful. This teaching presents twelve steps you can follow to assure that you will live in the near constant condition of joy. How important is…

How To Calmly Face Opposition

How to Calmly Face Opposition

What do you do when you are put down? Or hated? Or feel heart pains? Or face fear? Or feel weak? Or feel like running away? What do you do when you have a “Judas” in your life, a traitor, or a disloyal friend? The secrets to handling all of the above with peace and…