Prayer Guidance

Real prayer is contact with God, no pretending, no showing off in front of others, just real communication with God Almighty. Prayer is a two-way communication; a dialogue, not a monologue. Is there any price too great to hear from God? I think not, however, the Scriptures give us guidance on how to pray. The…

What’s So Important About You?

If you went into a bookstore, you would find a hefty section devoted to self-help. (Even small bookstores never neglect space for this.) There you will find books on finding out who you are. What are you good at? What the right job for you? Many contain tests to help a person discover these answers.

We know we are here for a reason Deep in our hearts, we want to fulfil our purpose and reach our full potential. We just aren’t sure what that looks like.

God has deposited a treasure in each one of us. It’s a natural bent within that has nothing to do with our education. It is an embedded natural ability. One of seven listed in the book of Romans, Chapter Twelve. That treasure fits us into God’s Big Picture.

That treasure is priceless.

By learning about the treasure within us, we can begin to grow in a way which truly builds our lives. We are made in God’s image, fathered by God Himself! There is nothing going on that misses His notice. He actually keeps written records about us and much more!

Join me as we discover what’s so very important about you!

How to Be Sure It Will Go Well With You

Most of us think about our future. In fact, we think about it a lot. Will we find the love of our life or will we experience relational disaster? Will we live comfortably, or will we struggle? Shall our days be healthy or plagued with sickness? Will our family be at peace or in tumult?…

The Joy of Being Partakers

In the Bible, the writer Paul urges us to do the following: “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the…

How To Please God

How to Please God

Sometimes we might feel as though we are dancing as fast as we can—and it still isn’t good enough. That’s because pleasing people is exhausting. You could never satisfy everyone. Everyone has their own agenda, and it is usually focused on pleasing themselves. Some live for their own entertainment; still others to make money and…

The Joy of Living Without Fear and Torment

Fear is torment. It should be clearly understood that God’s design for life does not include tortuous fear. The Master stated plainly, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” The obvious issue is that we have been given the right and the ability to terminate fear. But how to do that…

God's Intention for your self

God’s Intentions For Your Self

Once you have the accurate, error-free and fact-based “Understanding of Your Self,” (which can only come from God) the next question is, “now what?” What are God’s Intentions For You, Your SELF? This teaching (which is really Part Two of “Understanding Your SELF”) is designed to take you forward to answer the, “now what” question.…

Understanding Your Self

Understanding Your Self

You are important. What an understatement! Unfortunately, we learn early in life to view ourselves the way others treat us. In a competitive world we can be easily damaged at deep, deep levels. One Scripture says, “…a wounded spirit who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14) One’s view of his or her self must neither be skewed…