Showing 1–16 of 19 results

Why You Were Born


When you know why you were born, you will have a new appreciation for your true self, have a known purpose in life, and know why you matter. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path.

How You See Yourself


Iniquity is the ancient term for narcissism. It’s what turned a good angel, Lucifer, into the devil. It’s why Jesus was sent… “to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities” (Acts 3:26). As you journey through the pages of this book you will not only identify the problems iniquity imposes upon us, but you will also discover the solutions.

Your Ultimate Life Management System


One could reasonably argue that the inaugural sermon Jesus delivered to a crowd gathered on a hillside in northern Israel, often referred to as the sermon on the mount, may be the most powerful and profound sermon ever preached!

The wisdom, insight, truth, and provision that Jesus shared that is chronicled in Matthew’s Gospel (chapters 5-7), is artfully unpacked for you in this rich and meaningful message.

You Are a High Value Target


This book will teach you about your value as well as why you absolutely are a target. Evil is fully intent on killing your dreams, stealing your destiny, corrupting your moral intelligence, and demonizing your life. Learn how to spot these attacks and defend yourself.

Why You Were Born Study Guide


When you know why you were born, you will have a new appreciation for your true self, have a known purpose in life, and know why you matter. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path. This the Study Guide for the group study of Why You Were Born.

Why You Were Born Facilitators Guide


When you know why you were born, you will have a new appreciation for your true self, have a known purpose in life, and know why you matter. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path. This is the Facilitator’s Guide for the group study of Why You Were Born.

Personal Digital Discipleship


As believers we are called to grow and mature in our faith and understanding of what it means to be followers of Christ.  Certainly being part of a life-giving church is a key component.  But not everyone has access to that.

Personal Digital Discipleship is a powerful resource you can use to gain insight and understanding, teaching and training in the ways of God and how to effectively live out your Christian life.

How to Have Peace in Difficult Times


This powerful book will give you keys to experiencing peace and staying calm no matter what may be happening to you or around you. Pastor Johnston uses Scripture to show how God can bring you true and lasting peace.

My Unexpected Treasure


True Love is a choice.

This booklet is filled with wisdom and inspiration for those facing an unexpected pregnancy. It is a message that helps the reader navigate the decision making processes and opens the way for them to experience the words of love, hope and encouragement in this new place in their life.

Relationships and Getting Along – Moral Intelligence Book 1


When we develop Moral Intelligence in our lives, that wisdom and good judgment will spill over into all our relationships—with family and friends, fellow believers, loved ones, and co-workers, even strangers we may meet at the grocery store, the gas station, the library, or the doctor’s office.

For Every Soldier There Is a Time to Kill and a Time to Heal


This vivid “Gift Book” is written for Veterans. In it they will discover the way to genuine healing. Consider gifting this book to someone you know and love or even a soldier you don’t know personally but he or she has been on duty guarding your life and freedoms. I think we would all agree it is time for these soldiers to heal. Will you help them?



The Virtuous Woman


Throughout history, woman have often been marginalized. Yet this has never been God’s design. In today’s modern society the woman who seeks to balance career, family, community service and self fulfillment can find it all a bit overwhelming. This book, following the passages of Scripture found in Proverbs 31, reveals how God can help a woman excel in all of these areas in a productive and peaceful way.