Learning How to Like Yourself


This brief ebook will explain why you should like yourself and how to achieve that.

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What Happens If You Do Not Like Yourself?

This is a question every one of us should ask. To like you or not like you, that is the question. Your future well-being will hinge on your conclusion.

“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!” (Isaiah 45:9)

“Woe,” if you do not like yourself. One hundred and six times the word, “Woe” is used in the Bible. “Woe” is a crying out, a lament which is often prolonged based on urgency. It means to take care that you make no mistakes. Be alert, attentive, vigilant, prudent, discreet, taking heed. This is a critical heed with three serious “woes.” Big trouble is lurking.