Self-Acceptance: Evaluating the Progress

If you go to any bookstore, you will find a large section focused on self-help. There are lots ofbooks that claim that they will help you develop into a better person: one who is not afraid; onewho handles money like a Wall Street financier; one who embraces success with both arms andnever lets go. You…


Recovering From Disloyalty

People were not created to live alone. We are supposed to have family and friends. Our relationship with God comes first, but He always planned for us to live with others. So it’s vital that we know how to build and protect our relationships. This lesson looks at the third on the list of the…


The Superiority of Godly Counsel

So many times in life, we run into situations and circumstances that throw us. What should wedo? What’s best? Where do we find good direction? Who do we listen to? Well, if we want to build our lives on a strong foundation, then we will try to build on the Rocklike the wise man in…


How To Overcome Weariness

Weariness! It is all around us. People are weary. If you want to learn how to overcome weariness then this teaching is for you. You can learn the dangers, the causes, and the solutions to overcoming and recovering from weariness.

How To Stop Worrying

In our day and age, worry has pervaded people’s hearts and minds at a level that seems worse than ever before. Worldwide, society crumbles. Millions of voices with millions of differing opinions are in full cry. No one knows who to believe even in the news. It’s that confused. The Bible actually addresses worry and…


How To Avoid Being Deceived

Deception is a tricky thing because most deceived people do not know that they are deceived. Knowing the truth about God and His Son Jesus Christ is the only real prevention of deception. Deception is rampant in the world today. People think nothing of fraud, cheating or trickery to get what they think that they…


Make America Godly Again!

America was founded on Godly principles as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States proclaimed. The foundation of our freedom was divinely provided. Liberty was the proclamation and it endured until the population started departing from the teaching of Christ and the Bible. Godlessness affects the entire nation. The way back…


God’s Way To Efficiency & Effectiveness

Does efficiency exist in society? Do people want to be efficient today? Do they even care about the amount of time wasted when getting any job done? There is a right way to do things and the Bible has the perfect prescription for efficiency. This teaching reveals the many ways that God’s Word guides us…
