Fathers: The Strong Men

Fathers: The Strong Men

If a man is bound, his wife and children will be bound. This teaching outlines the three predominate activities that Satan uses to bind a man; lust, bitterness and greed. In conclusion, seven steps from the Scriptures are given to free a man so that he can function as Protector, Care Giver and Leader. This…

What to do when Falsely Accused - Women Judging Each Other

What to Do When Falsely Accused

There is hardly a pain so difficult to bear as being misrepresented or falsely accused. A wrong response can cause escalation. Sometimes the situation can seem irresolvable. While we understand that we are not to allow, ‘our good to be evil spoken of;’ nevertheless, the Scriptures give us five directions that when followed lead on…

The Meaning of Dreams

The Meaning of Dreams Parts 1-3

Do you ever wonder why you dream or if your dreams had meanings? How do you interpret your dreams? This teaching explains the four basic causes of dreams according to Scripture. The explanation includes how to handle each of the four types of dreams. What does God have to do with your dreams, if anything?…

How to Deal with your Enemies -Sword and Chainmail

How To Deal With Your Enemies

You will have enemies. There will always be good and evil, right and wrong, and by virtue of individuality, differences of opinion. Some animosities can last a life time unless properly resolved. Jesus Christ has precise steps on how to properly handle enemies. This teaching presents eight Biblical steps that when followed will cause you…
