Living Loved

In all of life, in all you do, you are loved. The greatest peril you can face is not realizing this. You may have experienced the lack of love from those around you, but there is a love that is real, constant, unchanging, and eternal. It comes from God. To live in conscious awareness, that…

Feeling Forsaken By God

Feeling Forsaken by God – a Study in Psalm 22

At one time or another most of us have felt alone or possibly abandoned. Imagine feeling forsaken by your own Father or someone you love dearly. Jesus in fact felt this way and Psalm 22 describes it vividly. Prophecy is history written in advance. Psalm 22 contains remarkable details of Jesus’ death on the cross.…

Behold His Glory

Behold His Glory – Keeping Christ in Christmas

Christmas is another opportunity to Behold His Glory – the glory of God, the glory of Jesus. But the opposition is intense. Evil forces want to deface Christmas, to emaciate it; because Christmas is about Christ, the attempt is really aimed at destroying Christ. Let’s just have a holiday with no manger, no carols, no…
