Trusting Jesus In Times of Trouble

Trusting Jesus in Times of Trouble

Trouble is here to stay! And God, believe it or not, doesn’t mind you having trouble; but He doesn’t want you to have trouble handling the trouble. The most important skill in life that you can develop is How To Handle Trouble. Are you having a good day? We basically evaluate our days as good…

In ALL Things Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

In All Things Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

Every motive creates a dynamic, an energy that is in keeping with the motive. Attitudes also create dynamics, and so do behaviors. By grumbling, a person sets into motion negative energies that directly affect his or her own thinking, his or her emotions, and his or her point of view. Grumbling is mentally unhealthy and…

5 Outstanding Qualities of The Virtuous Mother

5 Outstanding Qualities of the Virtuous Mother

Five Outstanding Qualities of The Virtuous Mother “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) Trustworthy Being trustworthy requires integrity, honesty, promise-keeping, and loyalty. Diligent Being diligent requires discipline, patience and perseverance. Merciful To be merciful is to show forgiveness and compassion to those in need. Kindness The…

Give No Place to The Devil!

Give No Place to the Devil!

You have an enemy, a sworn enemy. He is mean, vicious, cruel, and without scruple. He is intent on your destruction, both in this life and the next. He is your adversary. He is known by a number of names: Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Accuser, the Tempter. He is like a “roaring lion”…

A Look at Bipolar Disorder from a Biblical Perspective

A Look at Bipolar Disorder From a Biblical Perspective

Medications will never solve spiritual problems. Never. In fact, we need to question whether or not medication induced side affects have adverse and abnormal long term effects on the brain. How is recovery from this devastation possible? There are no chemical solutions to moral problems, nor to character quality lack disguised as diseases, nor to…
