Logic of The Cross

Although some are unfortunately being removed in America, we still see many crosses in our daily life. They decorate Bible covers and are often worn as necklaces by men and women alike. We see them either behind pulpits or carved into them. There are even denominational controversies over the cross. Should Jesus be on it…


How Great is Our God

If you checked a Christian bookstore or an online seller of Christian books, you would find millions of books written to encourage and expand our understanding of God. (We need them.) Among them you would find The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer. It’s a classic study of Who God Is. Here’s an…


Biblical Principles of Conflict Resolution

We all deal with conflict. Knowing how can make all the difference. In fact, it’s such an important subject that courses on it are offered at universities and colleges worldwide. Self-help gurus litter the Internet, and mental health professionals offer one-on-one advice on the subject daily. So what’s the big deal? What exactly is conflict…


The Dynamics of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has dynamics in and with it – and so does murmuring. In this lesson you will be able to see and choose which of the two you want to perpetuate in your life. These dynamics are what actually happen to you and others when you give thanks, or an expression of gratitude – or…


How to Stay Calm in Uncertainty

We are most certainly living in uncertain times. Right now, our nation is dealing with a worldwide pandemic on top of other internal issues that have caused a lot of turmoil. We sometimes feel like there has never been a time as perilous as the one we are facing, but that’s definitely not the case.…


Predictive Prophecy & Government Corruption

Today, like never before, we are facing an incredible level of corruption in our government. It doesn’t matter where you look either. In every level of government, you will find bribery, sexual misconduct, graft, vested interests, blackmail, people peddling their influence for monetary gain, and links to organized crime. We also have revolving door policies…
