The Becauses of Thanksgiving

Being a genuine Thanks Giver affects mental health and much much more. Even though we have an annual holiday, most people underestimate the value and significance of “Thanksgiving.” And further, few understand the principles on how to give thanks. In this teaching we will mention both of these but mostly we want to understand the…


How Governments Can Recover From Being Evil

We have already studied and learned, “Why Governments Become Evil” and “How Governments Become Evil.” We’ve also learned, “How To Respond To Evil Governments.” The paramount question now is “How Can Governments Recover From Their Evil?” Or can they? The good news is, “Yes They Can!” But how? There is a way back from evil…


How To Respond to Evil Government

We have already discovered “Why Governments Become Evil” and “”How Governments Become Evil.” Now we search the Scriptures to discover the right directions on, “How To Respond To Evil Government.” These are, “must know” directions. As Albert Einstein noted, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch…


Victory in Spite of Evil Governments

It’s a fact in corporate management that attitudes cascade downwards. People follow leadership. Nothing can be more dangerous to a culture than a government that is evil. Living in such evil times demands that we become aware of, “Why Governments Become Evil,” How They Become Evil and most importantly, “How We Should Respond to the…


Designed By God Victory Over Evil Part 2

  Victory is God’s Modus Operandi for each and all of us. Particularly we are to have victory over evil. He says, however, that He wants us “Simple Concerning Evil.” No gross details. No study of evil but simple. It is reasonable then, to assume that what we are to know of evil in simplicity,…


Designed By God Victory

“There’s no substitute for Victory,” so said General Douglas MacArthur. Winston Churchill put it this way, “Victory, victory at all costs; victory in spite of terror, victory however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival!” Dear friend, this is true for you and me. But the good news…


Designed By God Real Prayer: Conclusion

Knowing how to pray is important, most assuredly. However, such knowledge means virtually nothing if we do not pray. Here are ten concluding Biblical instructions, “Designed By God,” to get us beyond the academics of prayer to Real Praying.

Designed by God: Real Prayer Part 2

There’s a lot of, “FAKE” these days. Fake in relationships, business, politics and would you believe in religion; even in Christianity! Ouch! If you, like me, demand reality, then this teaching is directly from the Scriptures, and is a must. The narcissist thinks prayer is getting God to do his wishes… trying to get his…


Designed by God: Real Prayer Part 1

Almost every activity in life demands a degree of precision or things won’t work. The same thing is true of prayer. Many have given it up. Some, perhaps, because they can’t get God to do what they would like Him to do. However, God designed prayer to work, all the time, every time. But praying…


Armor Designed by God

Imagine being in a war and having no armor or ammunition. The truth is, we are at war. God and Satan come face to face on the battlefield of your heart and mind. Don’t ever doubt that Satan is your enemy and he works through both demonic and human agencies to occupy your life. Occupy…
