Designed By God Real Prayer: Conclusion

Knowing how to pray is important, most assuredly. However, such knowledge means virtually nothing if we do not pray. Here are ten concluding Biblical instructions, “Designed By God,” to get us beyond the academics of prayer to Real Praying.

Designed by God: Real Prayer Part 2

There’s a lot of, “FAKE” these days. Fake in relationships, business, politics and would you believe in religion; even in Christianity! Ouch! If you, like me, demand reality, then this teaching is directly from the Scriptures, and is a must. The narcissist thinks prayer is getting God to do his wishes… trying to get his…


Designed by God: Real Prayer Part 1

Almost every activity in life demands a degree of precision or things won’t work. The same thing is true of prayer. Many have given it up. Some, perhaps, because they can’t get God to do what they would like Him to do. However, God designed prayer to work, all the time, every time. But praying…


Armor Designed by God

Imagine being in a war and having no armor or ammunition. The truth is, we are at war. God and Satan come face to face on the battlefield of your heart and mind. Don’t ever doubt that Satan is your enemy and he works through both demonic and human agencies to occupy your life. Occupy…


Paths to Personal Power

God wants you strong. He is not only willing to help you but has provided some clear directions which you are able to take. And if you do His directions, then you will be up and not down and capable of living in victory all the time.

Designed by God: Empowerment Part 3

Power Tips from God to humanity! What could be more important? More accurate? More necessary? Power plays and power struggles abound setting nations against nations, Big Tech against tech! Rich vs poor! Everyone wants to dominate thinking and values. The causes of slavery are too many to mention. BUT God wants you free, not with…


Designed By God: Empowerment Part 2

God doesn’t create weak and stupid. He creates strength and intelligence. But if we are weak in any aspect of our lives, what should we do? The answer is first to know the many mechanisms of empowerment that God has prepared for you. Then we simply act on His Principles of Empowerment and we are…


Designed By God: Empowerment Part 1

No human was designed by God Almighty to be weak, wimpy. impaired or impotent. It is true that much of humanity is drained and damaged. However, God has designed numerous accesses to empowerment. They are waiting for your personal discovery… and when you find them you will never be the same. You won’t be down…


Designed by God: Part 2

If there were a Design Competition, God would be the winner. Actually there could never be a competition. The Created cannot compare with the creativity, the majesty or the magnificence of the Creator.. The most significant activity of any and all of humanity is to study God’s designs. One will not only overcome stupidities but…


Designed by God: The Stars

The Stars! Designed By God! Made By God! And the Earth, Designed By God and Made By God! These are the singular most important truths every person must know. These basics will lead to the discoveries of hundreds, yea thousands more of His Designs. Get started with these understandings and you will find your soul…
