The Fear of The Lord - Fountain

The Fear of The Lord – Fountain of Life

The Scriptures say, ‘The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.’ (Proverbs 14:27) If you are not experiencing ‘the fountain of life,’ you need to discover the fear of the Lord. This teaching gives a working definition of the Fear of the Lord, outlines the Forty…

Four Life Changing Discoveries - Two Older People

Four Life Changing Discoveries

There are factors that affect the direction and flow of every human life. The joy in life is to be pursuing a course of action that is based on adequate and truthful information. There are four things about yourself that you need to know at the earliest possible age before you end up in the…

How To Handle Trouble

How to Handle Trouble

God has solutions for every kind of trouble. This teaching outlines from Scripture the six causes of trouble with which each of us must learn to deal. This teaching proceeds to outline the Biblical directions for dealing with each of the six kinds of trouble. Trouble is here to stay. How long it stays or…

Pathway to The Prayer Closet

Pathway to the Prayer Closet

Prayer is not twisting Gods arm to get Him to do our will. In this teaching you will discover the basics of making prayer real. After you grasp these “first principles,” you will be well on the way to effective time spent in the “Prayer Closet.” What could be more important than an audience with…

Promises From the Secret Place - Man sitting on a lakeside

Promises From the Secret Place

God promises great benefits to those who visit “The Secret Place.” This teaching gives you the information you need to go to “The Secret Place,” spend time there and get the benefits. God’s promises never fail. He is not a man that He should lie. His honor is at stake. He is as good as…
