Curriculum For Healthy Thinking: Benefits of Thinking Just Thoughts – Pt 4 of 10

This teaching opens with a thorough understanding of how the mind works. After grasping this, the teaching moves forward to understanding why thoughts unprejudiced, impartial and morally correct contribute directly to not only mental health but to a prosperous and successful life. Fourteen noteworthy benefits provide dynamic insights to having thoughts that are not only…


The Power of Genuine Peace

Did you know that genuine peace is a realm in which chaos is not permitted? Think about that! This teaching will help you discover the power that genuine peace generates in and for you as you cooperate with it.

Footsteps to Genuine Peace

Jesus came to provide us with the footsteps to peace, according to Luke 1:79: “To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Clearly, Jesus has marked a path for us to a peace that doesn’t depend on circumstances. The…
