The Power of Genuine Peace

Did you know that genuine peace is a realm in which chaos is not permitted? Think about that! This teaching will help you discover the power that genuine peace generates in and for you as you cooperate with it.

Footsteps to Genuine Peace

Jesus came to provide us with the footsteps to peace, according to Luke 1:79: “To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Clearly, Jesus has marked a path for us to a peace that doesn’t depend on circumstances. The…


How To Find The Way To Genuine Peace

Peace is the core condition of Mental Health. Genuine peace, not fake peace. We live in a culture that promotes fake peace; where style is more important than substance and “folly is set in great dignity” according to Ecclesiastes 10:6. The dictionary defines fake as: pretend, artificial, counterfeit, phony, imitation, insincere. Getting our own way…


The Greatest Symbol of Peace

Peace on earth and good will toward men is the desire of God. But how does this happen? In this teaching you will learn why peace is exactly what God wants for us, and how this peace is given. You will see the cross as God’s symbol of peace to us.

How to Restore Broken Relationships

God has a way to restore relationships and this is why Jesus came to earth. In this teaching you will learn what reconciliation is and what it does for us. With this knowledge you then learn how to appropriate it yourself, and then be able to give it to others.