How to Be Cheerful (Most) All of the Time

The words of the song are true, “Into each life some rain must fall, some tears must fall… but not too much.” The sun needs to shine. God wants you cheerful. This teaching presents twelve steps you can follow to assure that you will live in the near constant condition of joy. How important is…



Being a peacemaker, which partially relies on the willingness of others, can present unique challenges. Jesus did not present us with an impossible goal when He talked about peace making. As the Prince of Peace, He was acutely aware of things that whisk peace away. He was acquainted with the opposing forces we face each…


Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God The entire purpose of Jesus’ mission on earth was to prepare the way for our ultimate destiny: to see Jesus and to see God for all eternity. Jesus was ready to reveal the critical truth, that only the pure in heart will see God.…

Learning To Love Mercy

Learning to Love Mercy

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8) Beloved, it is our task and our mission to be a blessing. We cannot be a blessing to others and still…


The Millennium – Prophecy Series 35 of 36

***Part 35 of a 36 part series recorded in 2007. This series is taught by David L. Johnston. Man not only has the ability to destroy the whole planet but we now have people willing to do so. We all must face tomorrow’s uncertainties. Or do we? What if you could know in advance what’s…


Armageddon – Prophecy Series 34 of 36

***Part 34 of a 36 part series recorded in 2007. This series is taught by David L. Johnston. Man not only has the ability to destroy the whole planet but we now have people willing to do so. We all must face tomorrow’s uncertainties. Or do we? What if you could know in advance what’s…


The Heaven of Heavens – Prophecy Series 32 of 36

***Part 32 of a 36 part series recorded in 2007. This series is taught by David L. Johnston. Man not only has the ability to destroy the whole planet but we now have people willing to do so. We all must face tomorrow’s uncertainties. Or do we? What if you could know in advance what’s…
