What It Means to Live Loved

To be loved is the single most important desire of all humanity. From the moment we are born, we seek love. We are blessed if we find it within our family. As we grow, we continue to look for love everywhere we go. It is our primary motivation. If we are not loved by our…


The Most Important Question

Every day I am bombarded with questions. I come up with what I hope are appropriate answers and take the steps I think I should take accordingly. Some of those questions are trivial: Should I wear shorts or long pants today? This one is based on the outside temperature where I live. It’s pretty easy…


Living by the Principles of Peace

God wants us to live in peace with all men. That means everyone. Jesus taught us to love everyone—not just the people we like. He said His Father loved all people and was not selfishly motivated as we often are. Face it. We want someone to be our friend so we treat them kindly. But…
