How Moral Intelligence Affects Sexual Intelligence Part – 10.2
How Moral Intelligence Affects Sexual Intelligence Part II with David L. Johnston
How Moral Intelligence Affects Sexual Intelligence Part II with David L. Johnston
In the Bible, the writer Paul urges us to do the following: “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the…
DetailsHow Moral Intelligence Affects Sexual Intelligence – Part l with David L. Johnston
My editor would tell you that her job is enjoyable. The talents she uses in editing were gifted to her by God, something He put inside her from the time she was little, and He revealed it to her at the proper time. My wife would say something remarkably similar. God put within her the…
Details“You don’t become a Christian by doing good; but because you’re a Christian, you do good.” When it’s all said and done, our authenticity is absolutely everything. Early on, most people learn how to fake their way through situations. They say they’ve read the book and even take part in discussions in class, but they’ve…
DetailsTo be loved is the single most important desire of all humanity. From the moment we are born, we seek love. We are blessed if we find it within our family. As we grow, we continue to look for love everywhere we go. It is our primary motivation. If we are not loved by our…
DetailsDid you know that moral intelligence creates the power to get along with others? It really does do just that. Pastor David shows us in this teaching how moral intelligence is the true way to have and enjoy a relationship with other people.
DetailsEvery day I am bombarded with questions. I come up with what I hope are appropriate answers and take the steps I think I should take accordingly. Some of those questions are trivial: Should I wear shorts or long pants today? This one is based on the outside temperature where I live. It’s pretty easy…
DetailsAs we are learning more and more about moral intelligence, we now discover in this teaching how it affects our domestic life. In defining how morally intelligent love is we see the importance of knowing and understanding what real love is and how it is affecting our lives, marriages and families.
God wants us to live in peace with all men. That means everyone. Jesus taught us to love everyone—not just the people we like. He said His Father loved all people and was not selfishly motivated as we often are. Face it. We want someone to be our friend so we treat them kindly. But…